At honeybeeBase our goal is to provide a very intuitive and simple tool to manage your business. While our new users love that it is easy to get started with our solution. Hidden within our application though are powerful tools that allow the application to fit within business, not force your business to fit the application. In this new series we are going to focus on ways you can customize honeybeeBase to fit your business.
Every business relies on its people to succeed. Even the most reliable team in the world has times where other events in life cause them to not be able to work, many times at the last minutes.

When this happens, the leadership is often left trying to find someone to assist in covering the shift that is now open. Many times this involves group texts, calling, and scrambling to find someone that is able to work and also wanting to pick up extra hours.
Within honeybeeBase, we invented the ‘Call Off Volunteer’ button. This allows your team to raise their hand to volunteer to pick up shifts. This way as the leadership is problem solving to find a way to cover the now empty shift, they can at least identify those on the team that wish to pick up more hours if available.
Staffing a business can be challenging. Here at honeybeeBase we are developing solutions to reduce that challenge for our customers, allowing your focus to be on your customers.